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The Amicus Committee solicits and works with pro bono counsel to write amicus briefs on behalf of BALIF and other organizations in cases raising issues of concern to the LGBTQI community and our allies. In the past several years, BALIF has submitted amicus briefs in the U.S. Supreme Court and five of the U.S. Courts of Appeals. The Amicus Committee seeks members who can assist in monitoring cases and legal developments affecting LGBTQIs and our allies, have contacts in organization championing issues of concern, or have contacts in firms that would be interested in writing briefs. For more information or to join the committee, please email us at

Communications and Technology

The Communications and Technology Committee has the important task of keeping BALIF members and the community informed about BALIF events, opportunities, and accomplishments. The committee works with the BALIF Administrator to maintain BALIF's website, social media pages, and newsletters. All members receive BALIF's weekly newsletter, which highlights upcoming events, opportunities, and other relevant information important to the community. If you have a technology or communication idea that would benefit BALIF, please contact us at

Community Activism 

The Community Activism Committee connects members and the community to have fun working with vulnerable and/or marginalized communities in the Bay Area.   Community Activism also raises money for local queer organizations serving the Bay Area LGBTQI+ community.  The Committee will facilitate outreach and interaction with local organizations and minority bar associations.  

The Community Activism Committee also works closely with other BALIF committees and facilitates collaboration with a diverse group of legal and non-legal entities, providing services for the Bay Area and beyond.  In particular, we work with Programs to channel newly trained volunteers into pro bono opportunities and work with Social to provide additional networking opportunities to those driven to do good. 

Want to have fun while doing good? Keep an eye on the BALIF calendar for the dates of our upcoming events! And if you have ideas and/or would like to help organize, email us at

Community Ambassador

The Community Ambassador Committee is focused on action (1) through personally attending key events of other minority bar associations and community groups and (2) by developing strong personal relationships and strengthening coalitions with such groups. We also promote key BALIF events or issues with other minority bar associations and community groups, and we assist such groups with promoting their key events or issues with BALIF. We strive to be the face of BALIF with other minority bar associations and community groups. We would love to have you join this amazing committee! If you are interested, please contact us at

Conference of California Bar Associations

Each year, BALIF sends a delegation to the Conference of California Bar Associations, a group of attorneys from local, specialty, and minority bar associations across the state that are focused on improving California’s laws. The CCBA then helps the resolutions approved at the Conference become law.  The most recent law that began as a BALIF resolution submitted to the Conference was AB 1793 (2018).  This law requires the California Department of Justice to affirmatively identify past convictions for cannabis-related offenses that are eligible for recall, dismissal, or redesignation pursuant to the Adult Use of Marijuana Act. 

BALIF’s representation and participation at the Conference is crucial to ensure visibility of the LGBTQI legal community at the statewide level and to bring LGBTQI issues before the Conference.  Members are invited to participate in the resolution drafting and review process even if attendance at the Conference is not possible.

Any member interested in authoring a resolution, weighing in on proposed resolutions, and/or serving as a BALIF Delegate to the Conference in San Diego, California on September 24-27, 2020 may contact the CCBA Committee at for more information.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

In 2020, BALIF institutionalized a governance structure and mandate for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Committee (DE&I). The Committee has spearheaded and collaborated on several initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion on the Board of Directors, in our bar association, in the LGBTQI community, in the broader legal profession, and in our society as a whole.  The Committee's central function is to guide the rest of the Board of Directors in promoting DE&I issues throughout all committees, board functions, and programming and events.  The mandate of the Committee requires representation of directors, members, and law students.  Any member, including law student members, interested in serving on the Committee is encouraged to contact the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Officer at for more information.  New Committee members are welcome throughout the year. 


Like to throw a good party? The gala committee is responsible for BALIF’s annual event. We plan the program, choose the entertainment, and do everything else involved with making sure our members and friends have a great time. Come help us build on the tremendous success of previous Gala's held at the Bently Reserve and Terra Gallery by joining our committee! Get in touch by emailing us at


The BALIF Judiciary Committee has the important responsibility of vetting judicial candidates for all the Courts in the Bay Area that seek BALIF’s endorsement for both elections and judicial appointments. We are working on many other exciting projects to diversify and increase the judicial pipeline. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact BALIF Judiciary Co-Chair(s) at

Law Student Representatives

BALIF’s law student representatives serve as the liaisons between Northern California law schools (Berkeley, Stanford, Davis, McGeorge, Hastings, USF, Golden Gate, Santa Clara, SFLS) and the area’s LGBTQI legal community. The Law Student Committee works with the BALIF Board of Directors and law school LGBTQI student groups to organize career development events for law students, plan social events, coordinate BALIF’s mentorship program, and raise funds to send local students to the annual Lavender Law Career Fair and Conference. Join us! Being a part of the Law Student Committee is a great way to meet other Bay Area LGBTQI law students and lawyers, immerse yourself in the latest LGBTQI legal issues, and access some of the area’s myriad LGBTQI resources. Plus, it just may help land you an internship or your first job! If you’re interested in becoming involved with the committee, e-mail us at We’d love to work with you!


The membership committee creates value for BALIF members. We work to increase BALIF’s membership be highlighting the many benefits associated with being a BALIF member, while also creating new reasons to join. 

Membership dues are collected annually on July 1 of each year (July 1- June 30).

Membership dues follow the fiscal year and are current until July 1 each year. Memberships will expire on June 30 of each year. We are currently offering free memberships for all currently unemployed members. Please email if you have any questions. or the membership committee at


    The Programs Committee facilitates professional development, community involvement, and collaboration, often in conjunction with other BALIF committees, bar associations, and community organizations. In 2019-2020, Programs worked to produce a series of video interviews with founding members and past board members of BALIF in honor of BALIF's 40th anniversary. The resulting video series will discuss various key moments in BALIF's history, as well as its role in the next 40 years. The first of these videos – memorializing the founding of BALIF – is available on our YouTube channel.

    The Programs Committee has an established relationship with several organizations, including the Transgender Gender-Variant Intersex Justice Project (TGIJP). Thank you to our law firm partners – Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP and Squire Patton Boggs – for sponsoring our recent continuing legal education (CLE) programs. We welcome sponsorship and invite you to contact if your organization is interested in sponsoring or collaborating with Programs. 

    To learn more or join the Programs Committee, email


    Socializing is what BALIF members do best. The Social Committee organizes BALIF happy hours, picnics, the annual holiday party, and other social events throughout the year. Come join our awesome events that will give you an excuse to network, socialize, and have a great time. To learn more, get in touch with us at

    New Lawyers & Law Student Programs

    The New Lawyers & Law Student Programs Committee serves as a resource for Bay Area LGBTQI lawyers who have been practicing for fewer than 10 years and Bay Area LGBTQI law students. The Committee’s activities include:

    • Mentorship program, pairing law students and young lawyers with more senior LGBTQI attorneys for one-on-one mentorship and career guidance (see mentorship information)
    • Career development and networking events for new lawyers and law students, such as “Speed Mentoring” resume review and a Career Fair.
    • Law student social events, with input from and planning by BALIF’s Law Student Representatives

    We are currently seeking Mentor-Mentee Pairings for BALIF’s 2023-2024 mentorship program. If you would like to participate, please contact us at


    Call or Email Us
    Office: +1 415 874-3045

    P.O. Box 193383 San Francisco, CA 94119